November 30, 2022

Zambezi Zinger (WOF)


Zambezi Zinger has officially gone vertical.  While this doesn't seem like much, you have to remember that most of this course will be very tight to the terrain.  This shows just how close the track will be in some places.

November 15, 2022

Zambezi Zinger (WOF)


Worlds of Fun and Great Coasters International unveiled the lead car of the brand new Infinity Flyer train for the brand new Zambezi Zinger at IAAPA today in Orlando, Florida.

The detailing on this train is amazing

Yes, the headlights are functional

The design is next level for the park

Seats seem very roomy

Front profile shot

Who else is excited to snake through the woods in the Africa section next season?

November 12, 2022

Flying Viking & Draken Falls (Adventureland)


We finally have some updated site plans for the two new rides and it is interesting to see how the two rides will interact with each other.  Here we can see the entrance and you can see the load for Draken Falls on the right.  Flying Viking will load upstairs

The back part of the site.  Underground will be the to the immediate right of this photo.