April 30, 2023

Park Update (SFSTL)


The bathroom trailer is still here ...

because the front gate restrooms are still not ready

yep.  both sides of the gate

Let's check out the progress on the Main Street Market

Like the new sign here

Refreshed awning here

The rest of the store is now open

Looks a lot better.

They have put tables where the Jacob's Ladder game used to be

They have walled off the former dining area was for The Outpost

Very odd.  Looking over the fence nothing seemed to be happening so we're not sure what this is about.

We've heard that the Cinco de Mayo event will be taking place here

Still nothing happening here.  Just another empty ride platform in the park

Crane games have replaced two skill games near Pandemonium

The basketball game received a new look

The expanded Primo's is now open

The expanded ordering area

New indoor dining

It actually looks like they might be doing some work on the carousel base

Not sure what is going on here near Marvin's Rocket Ship in the kiddie area

We finally have an opening day for Thunder River

More arcade games replacing skill games.

Rookie Racer (SFSTL)


Parts for the new Rookie Racers have arrived at the park

Black supports

Yellow track

This is going to be a great looking coaster when it is complete

I really like how the track is black and the spine is yellow.

Here's an overview of all of the parts

It is interesting that no footers have been created yet even though all of the parts appear to already be at the park

No idea when this thing will be ready to open.  I think we're looking at mid-summer at the earliest

April 23, 2023

Saloon Show Turns 50 (SDC)


This season, the Silver Dollar Saloon is celebrating its 50th Anniversary with a special show.  Here are some highlights from the new show.  However, to keep from spoiling what happens in the show for those who have not had the chance to see it yet, we will hold off explaining what is happening in each photo

It is a great show and we plan to visit the Saloon often this season to catch more performances

City Update (SDC)


Time for a 'City update.  The parking lot project continues with new parking lines painted on the paid parking area.  It is nice to see the entire lot is now completely paved with asphalt.

The line painting is making its way to the free lot next as a good portion of that lot is now paved with asphalt as well near the top of the hill (they are still working at expanding the lot at the bottom of the hill near the condos)

A nice change is this new sidewalk that effectively separates the drive to the main gate from the parking lots.  Those purchasing paid parking now exit near where they entered the lot.  No more exiting near the SDC logo sign from this lot

The train is back at the 'City and is once again transporting guests around the park

We noticed that some jokes had changed and a few had been completely taken out.  There is no long any mention of the "old wreck" and that prop has been completely removed from the loop.

Finally Fried Fancies is getting closer to being ready to open

Fences are complete, soda machines are installed...

Tables and chairs have been placed in the covered dining area

The new facility looks great and will be a nice addition to the 'City

We are hearing that it should open on Thursday May 4th

Finally, they have broken ground on the new Furniture Store and it appears that foundations are in the process of being poured