This week's update is courtesy of sandunerider.
One thing you will notice is that not a lot of progress was made since our last update due to the record-breaking rain the entire state of Missouri has received this past week.
Progress has been made though, they are working to close up the lower sections of the station now.
This is really the only part of the entire building that is still open.
You can see that the other portion of the building is now closed up.
Now on the other side of the building, you can see that they have done a lot of progress on framing up this side of the load station.
The other side of the building is completely closed up now.
Looks like we have a random opening on the other side of the building. Not sure if this is a window or what.
Siding installation has really progressed on the station portion of the building.
They just started on the paneling last week and they are already to the top on this side.
The paneling has started on the other side of the building too.
I am guessing that this cherry picker is being used for the paneling installation.
The trees have filled in so photos of the footers are going to be difficult from here on out.
But you can definitely tell that some large scale work is still being done.
Until next time.
Thanks again to sanddunerider for this week's update.