Welcome to the 40th Anniversary of Oceans of Fun
Welcome to the Beach Bash (and who doesn't love that old logo - which is much better in our opinion than the one they are using now)
The oversized chair photo op in the park also has the anniversary logo
All three slides of Shark's Revenge were open today (Constrictor too!)
All three slides of Predator's Plunge were open today
Paradise Falls
Hurricane Falls had some major down time today, but did eventually open
This is the dedicated entrance for Caribbean Cruiser now.
While I hated that Diamond Head had to leave, this is a much better use of this land. I don't feel like I'm going to fly out of the slides and die
I love Typhoon, but I hate that you have to walk a mile to get to the top of the slide
Aruba Tuba
Coconut Cove.