Welcome to the St. Louis Wheel. It is located at St. Louis Union Station.
The St. Louis Wheel stands at 200 feet tall and provides panoramic views of the city
The cabins are climate controlled and can sit up to 6 adults comfortably
During the current health situation, they are only loading one party per cabin
The wheel designed so that you view is rarely obstructed during your ride
The first thing you will see during the rotation is the old cover of the train yard of Union Station
At one time, this was completely covered and there were numerous tracks underneath it
Looking South you can see 64/40 and way in the distance, Illinois
Here you can see Enterprise Center (center) where the Blues play. Behind it is Stiefel Theatre, which is where Broadway shows and Concerts play. In the distance you can see the Arch
This is looking West. Lots of construction going on here. Further out you can see St. Louis University and the Arts District
This is looking North. You can see the Union Station Hotel here and more of the roof structure
This area, looking North West is going to become a major player in the St. Louis community soon
Being constructed is the new stadium for the St. Louis MLS Football Club
This is looking straighr down to the loading area
They still have a few trains in the train yard area
Here you can see the HVAC unit on top of a cabin and how it connects to the main frame of the wheel
At night the Wheel puts on an amazing light show. I imagine it will probably be part of celebrations in the future for St. Louis MLS Victories since it right across the street.
Next time you are in St. Louis stop by the reimagined Union Station and check out one of the newest attractions in town.