Welcome to the Runaway Mountain Coaster
Missouri FINALLY has its first mountain coaster and
it is located just south of Branson's main drag
Here is the loading area for the Runaway
Sitting in the holding area waiting for the "all clear"
Like most mountain coasters, we have quite the climb to the top
This makes mountain coaster #6 for me.
I'm sure as the seasons move on, the vegetation will grow back in
The one thing I noticed that was different with this installation...
Was that it was basically one constant lift hill - instead climbs and drops
First thing is first - going full tilt the entire way is amazing
You can really feel the lateral G-forces going through the first helix
I found the bunny hills in this section quite fun.
You actually get some airtime and pop up out of your seat
The next section just keeps getting faster and faster.
Novice riders will more than likely brake here. DON'T DO IT
If you have full tilt the entire way so far - keep it up.
You get even more lateral G-forces here. It's so awesome
After the second helix, you have a few more zig zags and then the brake run
This is a great layout and ride. I haven't decided yet how it rates with the
others that I have ridden - but it is definitely in the top 3.