Through that wall is a magical land
But before you go in, make sure you say hello to Kreacher.
Through this hole in the wall you have entered Diagon Alley
Hungry? Stop by the Leaky Cauldron
Stop by the Quidditch store to check out the latest racing brooms
Weasley's is always a great place to shop
Make sure you look up when you're in the store
Ollivander's is the your one-stop shop for wands
There are lots of neat stores to check out here
They have the best ice cream here
Butterbeer is my go to
One of two stores that sell Butterbeer in Diagon Alley
Here's the other
For the adventurous type, you can always tryout Knockturn Alley
Bourgen and Burkes has all of your dark arts needs covered
A few witches in training
Looks like a dragon got loose and is perched on top of Gringotts Bank
Watch out for his fire ball
The main attraction in this area is located inside Gringotts Bank
It really is impressive looking
Goblins hard at work
If you are looking to open an account visit with this guy
On your way to the actual ride, you get to see some interesting areas of the bank. The attraction is really an experience that starts in the actual queue