Welcome back to the park. We have a lot to talk about today.
First off, the new shade structures are finally finished.
These new shade structures near the beach before the King Kaw aquaveyor are much needed during this extremely hot summer.
Speaking of the aquaveyor - it's very popular today as the new section is now open.
Check it out. The aquaveyor is open.
As is King Kaw.
Here is the start of the river.
They built an access bridge over the river.
It's not open yet, but it is a great addition.
They are building another one back here for the lifeguards to cross the river.
There is new signage on the bridge to the new slide complex for King Kaw
The third slide, Twister, now has a sign and is open.
It is nice to have all three slides open finally.
Mighty Mo is now open as well.
The park finally has all of its attractions open. It nearly doubles the park in size and definitely helps with overall park capacity.