Well we have arrived at Hogsmeade Station.
They had horseless carriages available to take the students on to Hogswarts Castle from the station.
Here we are finally at the gates to Hogsmeade.
It's a charming little village.
It is much smaller than Diagon Alley.
Time to head to Hogwarts Castle.
This place is very impressive looking.
The ride inside - Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey, is by far my favorite ride at ANY park that I have visited. It just blows away the competition. Super immersive.
I really liked the snowman.
The Caro-Seuss-el was fun.
I also really liked the Jurassic Park section.
Inside the Discovery Center.
The final splash down on the River Adventure.
Ripsaw Falls.
Some decor in Toon Lagoon.
Fear Fall in Marvel Superhero Island.
I'll be honest, we spent most of our time in this park in the Hogsmeade area - and honestly, can you blame us?
That will do it for 2015 - see you in 2016!