October 5, 2019

Mystic River Falls (SDC)

 We'll start off this week's update on Mystic River Falls from across the now 75% smaller Lake Silver.  The new seating area is looking really nice.  It appears that they are getting ready to install a rope fence along the edge.

Here you can see the newly installed wooden posts along the edge.  I imagine that the next time we visit the rope fence will be installed.

We cannot get over how much better this area looks.  You can see some of the landscaping along the banks in the background.

Here's that mystery building near the exit to Mystic River Falls.  The roof appears to be completed.

A lot of work going on at the load station.

I really like the shape of the building - it appears that it will stay pretty true to the concept artwork

Here's a side profile of the station.  You will enter the queue for the ride just to the right of this photo.

A lot of work is happening in the middle of the ride.  In the back you can see the foundations for the lift going in.  Closer to the front of this photo, they channel that the drop empties into is taking shape.

Here is where the final turn into the station and conveyor lift will be located.  The entrance and exit for the ride are right here as well.

On the other side of Smokehouse, a new wooden support has gone up.

The original parts of the flume look great now that the landscaping is growing in.

Here's a good look of how the river hugs the new Smokehouse dining area.

The "top" of the river is looking great as landscaping grows in.

Hard to believe that this was a barren construction plot not that long ago

Here's where that major water feature will be located on the "top" of the river

Good shot of the station from Wilson's Farm.

The foundation for the lift is going in

I liked the bridge they have here to access the island in the middle of the river.

Photos from the train.  Lots of supports for cement shaping are staged here.

Backside of the queue building area and the foundations for the lift

The cave and bridge of the river on the right

The huge motors with the load station in the background

One last photo before we end this update.