Time to check in with Project 2018 at SDC.
You'll notice that some new sticks have appeared. This one says Column
It appears that these markers have specific coordinates on them.
More markers located on the hill above the Echo Hollow restrooms.
There are markers all around the Echo Hollow restrooms.
I would be surprised if the restrooms survive this new project.
There are several markers under ThuNderaTion.
More markers around the back of the Echo Hollow restrooms.
Electrical markings underneath the ThuNderaTion station.
Those same markings continue on into the woods under the the track.
One last look at those markings snaking under the ThuNderaTion track.
The clearing has expanded. What you cannot see is a new retaining wall that has been installed over the hill to the left near the far turnaround on TNT. The tree clearing has really been expanded as well and is quite noticeable from the track of TNT. In other news, a major project office double-wide trailer has arrived and is now located near the TNT lift hill. There was a lot of activity there Friday afternoon with people coming and going. The trailer is only visible (from in the park) on the lift hill.