Welcome to the Coca Cola Orlando Eye.
We are ready to travel to the top of this 400 foot tall wheel.
So after a very strange 3D commercial video, you get to wait in line to board.
I like the logos on the window.
This should be our pod.
Time to rise to the top.
Depending on what color the wheel is at the time - your pod glows that color from the LEDs.
Nearing the top. Note how the pods are actually extended out from the wheel.
So this way is Universal Resort and Fun Spot.
We just went over the top.
This way is Sea World. You can barely make out Mako's lift lights to the left of the blue hotel.
It takes roughly 30 minutes to do a revolution on the wheel. If you plan to go, I'd budget about an hour. That will get you through the movie and get through the lines. It's a lot of fun.