Welcome to Grand Carnivale at Worlds of Fun
Some decorations around the Gateway Gardens area
The headquarters for the festival. You can enter the scavenger hunt here and get bubble wands and your tasting passes as well
There are four speciality carnival games this year
They are all located near the Tivoli Theater. Crafts this year have moved inside the Tivoli Theater at the counter inside the 50th Museum
Germany pavilion is next to the Scandinavia restrooms
Here is the Germany mascot for the scavenger hunt
France pavilion is next to Viking Voyager
The France mascot is on the side of the candy store
India did not have a tasting booth this year but still had decorations between Gateway Gifts and candy store
The India mascot is behind Gateway Gifts
The Italy pavilion is actually inside Gateway Pizza this year. The mascot is next to the entrance
Interesting move on their part - and yes they still serve the normal menu too
Spain pavilion is hid at the back of the dining patio for Gateway Pizza. Mascot there on the tent
China pavilion has taken over Pagoda Nachos in the East Asia section
China mascot is over by the entrance to the gift shop
Fun photo op near the East Asia restrooms
Giant masks on the fence between East Asia and Americana
Giant figurine near Goldrush Pizza
The hot air balloon has returned again this season.
Such a cool sight to see during the festival