August 20, 2022

World Update (WOF)


The painting refresh is continuing around the park and has now made it to Africa

The Africa section is looking great with this paint refresh

Zulu is still down.  We hope it returns

We missed this new landscaping at Gateway Pizza Plaza on Monday but it looks great

They have also added these boxes at the edge of the plaza

Railing has been installed inside Gateway Pizza since last Monday

The new marquee for All American Shake Shoppe has been installed

They have really ramped up the removal process of both Chamber of Horrors and Peter Peter to make room for the new Zambezi Zinger.  Yes that is King Kong standing there

Large props from Peter Peter are being staged near Monsoon

Most of these should be used in the new location for this season's Haunt

The building for Chamber of Horrors is being removed

All of the siding and roof panels have been taken off exposing the support structure

They are taking it down really carefully which makes us wonder if it will be reused in a new location