All of the entertainment is outdoors this year due to Covid-19 restrictions, which means several different acts grace different stages during the day. At the Dockside Theatre, Spoken 4 Quartet performs earlier in the day.
While the Living Nativity (a brand new production this year) performs in the evening
At the Gazebo Stage on the Square, there are two performers that alternate. This is Macy Watts.
The other act is Allen Asbury.
At Boatworks Theatre, Tinker Jr's Toy Shop performs during the day
Sons of the Silver Dollar perform their first ever Christmas show in the evening.
On the brand new Plaza Stage in the Grand Expo, The Silver Dollar Saloon Christmas Show performs during the day
They have some new numbers in the show this year - including "Marshmellow World"
The brand new Cool Yule performs there at night
If you are missing Dickens and Wonderful Life this year, come see this show as it features the actors that play Scrooge, Ghost of Christmas Present and George.
The final show is on the Tom and Huck's Stage near Corkscrew Pass. This is "Come Carol With Us" and is basically a sing-a-long show.
Rudolph's Holly Jolly Christmas Parade is back again this year
Finally, Joy on Town Square returns for another season
Some good shows this year, but it is not the same without Dickens and Wonderful Life.