November 27, 2020

Holiday in the Park (SFSTL)


Welcome to Holiday in the Park at Six Flags St. Louis

Performing in the Front Mall is Holiday Harmonies

On the Palace Porch Stage is Rockin' Holiday Hits

On the Tinsel Town Stage is A Christmas Scarol

Also on the Palace Porch Stage is Miss Kitty's Christmas (since there cannot be any indoor shows this year due to Covid restrictions in the county)

Santa Claus is meeting guests in the St. Louis depot station, socially distanced of course

Let's take a look at some of the decorations around the park.  This is DC Plaza Circle outside of Mr. Freeze

Nativity Scene set up between the arbor tunnels

Ornament set up near Colossus

Another ornament set up near the train bridge entrance to WB Backlot

Decorations near Batman

A few more near the Batman entrance

Another tree set up near Johnny Rocket's

Another ornament near Xcalibur

Lots of fresh cut trees near the Saloon

The train ride is non-stop around the park and features Mrs. Claus reading the story "Night Before Christmas"

Decorations inside Mooseburger Lodge

Everything north of the train loop is closed for the season

Here is the fence that cuts off the north portion of the kiddie area

S'mores are back for the event

Kits are $5 each or a snack credit.  Look at the size of the marshmellow

The finished product, once assembled