Time to check out the entertainment line up for this year's version of Grand Carnivale
The Carnivale troop makes its way to International Plaza
The Royal Opening Ceremony features the entire Carnivale Troop
It also introduces the King and Queen of Grand Carnivale
It is a really fun and up tempo show
Next is Carnivale Drumline
They have some backup dancers that seem to have a good time
After a quick set change it is time for Royal Rhythms
Performing an extra long song set with the Powerhouse Band the group performs and dances to numerous Latin-inspired songs
It is really a great show that will have you dancing along
The Royale Finale ends the evening with fireworks
and a performance by the entire Carnivale troop
It's a Spectacle of Color, unlike any other.
The theme song for the entire event is so catchy