Welcome to a new season of thrills at Worlds of Fun.
This is the first season that WOF has had a preview night for season passholders.
It seems that that it has proven to be a popular idea.
I decided to take advantage of the short line at Spinning Dragons and go there first.
Another short line - so I decided to get a front row ride on PATRIOT next.
Steel Hawk was calling - so I headed there next.
I decided to try Timberwolf to see how the new retracking rode. It definitely makes a difference. Now I wish they'd hurry up and get the rest of it done.
Detonator was having some issues tonight and was only running one tower.
Most people were here to try out the new Planet Snoopy rides.
I did my "civic duty" by riding the Gliders which proved to be a lot of fun.
Decided to give the season-dining pass a try this season since I will be traveling to numerous Cedar Fair parks this season. Tonight I tried out Chickie and Pete's. Pretty yummy. Cannot wait to try out the other fares this season.
Until next time...