We start today's update back in the Egypt section. They have moved one of the King statues to near the load section (on the side of the restroom building)
It appears that the Fury boats are being systematically upgraded to new seats. These new seats have handles on the head rest
The footers for the support system of the new shade coverings in the MAMBA queue are now in place
It appears each of the three levels will have shade coverings
We hope that they will be in theme for the Egypt section of the park
They have added the official city logo for Possom Trot to the cabooses at Country Junction
Skyliner has finally opened for the season
Be warned that they will not allow any single riders
Bamboozler's facade received some damage in the recent storm
Dragon's Delights has finally opened
Don't expect an off-brand Panda Express menu though, it is mainly overpriced drinks. Huge miss for the park as the restaurant count goes down to only 5 (Gateway Pizza, G'rilla Grill, Sand Dune Diner, Prospector's and River City Grill)
They added some decorations to this booth that was used for Grand Carnivale in the past
Spinning Dragons appears to be getting closer to opening for the season
It was testing all day, and sometimes had a human rider
Set up for the new KC Nights (which only runs on the weekends) has begun. They are reusing the cargo container stage/bar from last year's Haunt over by the Tivoli
Booths for local brewery, Made Mobb, and clothier Charlie Hustle have been set up KC Nights
Instead of using the already established stages, they have built a new smaller one next to Gateway Pizza for KC Nights
For those wondering, Zambezi Zinger was down all day and they were working on the usual spot of the lift hill. Seems to be issues with the drive tires yet again