August 14, 2023

City Update (SDC)


Coming in 2024, Flanders Dry Goods is taking over the store front across from Boatworks Theater and the Pottery store

World Famous Pretzel Dogs will be taking the place of Tastes of the City in 2024

A lot of progress is being made on the new Heartland Home Furnishings

Detail work is being installed now

More detail work here on the south side of the building

A look from the exit of American Plunge at the south side of the building

The garage area on the west side of the building

PSA: The Cave is currently flooded and is only doing 30 minute tours.  That means you have to climb back up the stairs in the Cathedral Room

It appears that the employee dorm is either finished or really close to being finished

It looks really nice from the outside

I hope this helps the park out with staffing