Worlds of Fun released another video of the front plaza progress and these are some stills from that video. The first thing you can see here is the progress on the ticketing both near the maintenance shed. This photo would have been taken near the Tivoli East catering pavilion.
Next we see a lot of progress has been made on this new Guest Relations (domed building).
This angle provides us with a view we had not seen before. There is some sort of structure on the pathway above what was Festahaus. I think this might be the construction headquarters trailer for the project but I am not sure. Again notice how the old Guest Relations building is still standing.
To give you an idea of where things used to be. The building on the left is where the gate used to be. That was formerly the First Aid building. The new large building on the right is where the old ticket booths used to be located.
The building on the right in this photo used to be the First Aid building. It will now be the rental and locker building. This news was released by WOF Retail yesterday.
Finally we pan around to the old plaza area. Where the construction machine is located is where Baltic Bazaar used to be. To the left of this photo is where Fjord Fjairlane is located.
This photo was put out by WOF Retail and was shot from their new Rental Building (former First Aid building). The tall tree you see in the photo is the tree that was on the left of the picture just above this one. I hope that gives you an idea of the area.