October 29, 2017


Well, all good things must come to an end... I guess.

This marks the final weekend of operation for the Finnish Fling.

Finnish Fling is one of the "originals" at the park.

This Chance Rotor is actually one of only a few remaining in operation.

It's a pretty simple ride, the drum spins riders around and pins them to the wall.

Then the floor is lowered and you slowly slide down the wall or if you are lucky, you are pinned to the wall until the drum slows back down.

The Finnish Fling will be removed this off season to make way for Nordic Chaser, the new for 2018 ride that will be added next season.

I was able to pay my last respects to the ride on Saturday.  While it was no longer a "must ride" for me, I have fond memories of the ride from my childhood.

The park is currently selling shirts commemorating the ride in Plaza Gifts.

The Finnish Fling giving its final rides of the evening on Saturday.

Today was the official last day of operation.  Thanks to Shelly Hilger we are able to see the special banner the park put on the ride for today.  The final 3 rides were auctioned off for charity.