October 13, 2017

Time Traveler Construction (SDC)

Today's update is courtesy of tiffanylynnt.  Walking towards the ThuNderaTion plaza area you can immediately spot the new structure.

The new structure is much bigger than the old Magic Shop that used to be in the same location.

They have put weather proofing paper up on the sides and I imagine our next update will show the building with siding in place as they are making short work on getting this thing built.

Peeking over the fence, you can see where the exit pathway will possibly enter this building.

The exit pathway from Time Traveler is continuing to progress.  It is interesting that they have opted for a completely elevated boardwalk for this pathway.

Progress continues on the entrance pathway as posts which will soon become the fence have been installed along most of the route.

Further down you can see a covering has been installed where the entrance pathway passes under the track.  Also we should point out that they have enclosed a large portion of the support structure of the exit pathway.  We are not sure what the purpose of this was.

Finally, it looks like they are nearing completion of the catwalk along the final brake run and turn into the station on the actual ride.

Thanks again to tiffanylynnt for this update.