Welcome to Niagara Falls State Park, one of the oldest state parks in the nation.
On Goat Island, Americans get a great view of Horseshoe Falls
You have to love the full rainbows that this giant waterfall produces
These are the rapids that feed Bridal Veil Falls, the smallest of the waterfalls that make up Niagara Falls.
Goat Island on the left and Luna Island on the Right. Luna Island is between Bridal Veil Falls and American Falls.
Bridal Veil Falls. That is the boardwalk of Cave of the Winds.
Looking to the right of Luna Island, you get a good view of American Falls
Here you can see the top of American Falls. You can see the observation tower in the distance.
This is the rapids leading up to American Falls
20% of the water that goes over Niagara Falls is in this waterway.
American Falls, with Horseshoe Falls in the distance. You can also see Canada on the other side of the canyon.
Time to head up in the Observation Platform
From the platform, you can see all 3 of the falls that make up Niagara
Here is the main viewing area for American Falls
Looking the other direction from the Observation Platform you can see Rainbow Bridge, which is one of the connections in the area between Canada and USA
Down below the Observation Platform you get an up close view of American Falls.
The mist here is extremely thick. No matter how well you are covered with rain gear, you're probably going to get soaked.