November 16, 2019

An Old Time Christmas - Lights (SDC)


Welcome to our "lights coverage" from An Old Time Christmas

Fire in the Hole

Powder Keg Way


Wildfire Entrance

Lumber Camp

Hill Street

Tom Sawyer's Landing

Tom Sawyer's Landing

Tom Sawyer's Landing

Tom Sawyer's Landing

Wilson's Farm

Wilson's Farm

Outlaw Run

Dockside Theater

Rudolph's Photos (Rivertown)

Riverfront Playhouse

Riverfront Playhouse

Firemans Landing

Boatworks Theater

Flag hanging on the old Waterboggan structure

Pathway above Echo Hollow

Red Gold Heritage Hall

Grand Expo

Time Traveler

Flooded Mine

Entrance to Christmas in Midtown near Bears in the Hollow

Corkscrew Pass

Christmas in Midtown

Christmas in Midtown

Christmas in Midtown

 Christmas in Midtown

Christmas in Midtown

 Christmas in Midtown

Town Square

Check out all 5 parts of our 2019 An Old Time Christmas Coverage