Welcome to Fun Spot America in Orlando.
White Lightning is the reason to stop at this little park.
The pacing and layout are just perfect for a smaller park
Forgive the flash of blindness at the bottom of the first drop when they take your photo.
Freedom Flyer is the inverted coaster at the park
I really like how it has the newer style of restraints.
Again, this is just a lot of fun to ride.
It is next to impossible to photograph at night though.
Space Invader
Double-Deckered Carosel
Rip Curl
Paratrooper (I hear it is heading to Georgia soon)
Sky Coaster. Apparently this is the largest in the world (but not the tallest)
Tot Spot is the kiddie ride area.
Sea Serpent
Bumper Boats
Commander Track (this is my favorite here)
Quad Track
Conquest Track
Thrasher Track
Time to race!
Seriously, if you want to have a good time in Orlando away from the big parks, you cannot go wrong with Fun Spot Orlando.