June 30, 2018

Bernie's Barnyard (Adventureland)

Johnathan Collins is back with another photo update on the new Bernie's Barnyard.  From above, you can tell where the soft landscape will end around the new playground.  Also you can see where the queue for Shakin' Bacon will go eventually.

A lot of progress has been completed on Junior Jockeys.

I am thrilled that the layout will be more complex than what was drawn on the park map for this season.  Looks like the "jockeys" will get a nice long ride.

The horses can be seen from Tornado.

Taken from Tornado, here you can get a better idea of where the new section is actually located if you have not been to the park this season.

Hopefully we will have an opening date soon, but it looks like there is still plenty of work to be done on the new section.