Time to take a look at the progress on the front gate area. This is the new International Plaza. There will be a stage of some sort in this region. You can see how they have terraced the hill between here and the gates. Also you can see an archway that has been created up on the hill that leads to the path down to the Catering Pavilions.
The front gate area is receiving pavers. It is a nice contrast between the cement. Also in the background you can sort of make out the progress being done on the Rental Building (former First Aid building) and what appears to be a new fence between that building and the former Guests Relations building.
Pavement is being installed now in the front gate plaza. The foundation for the icon balloon is there in the middle. They will put pavers around it in the open area. The turnstiles and Guest Relations buildings both have received their undercoats of paint and should be in their final colors here soon.