This year, SDC has worked extremely hard to "plus" their food offerings around the park.
Up on the square, Wagon Works Grill now has a a new burger as well as a new salad.
Over at Lady Liberty they no longer serve burgers.
The restaurant serves almost chicken products almost exclusively now.
Lumber Camp is now one of two exclusive burger joints. They have new Char Grilled Burgers here and a new Strawberry Spinach Salad.
The Kettle Chip place also has some new flavors.
The Fry Bread stand now has an expanded sandwich menu and new Maple Bacon Fritters.
The big change was at the former Mary's Springhouse which is now Percy's Southwest Grill.
Here is a look at your menu options - it also explains how the restaurant works.
The menu is also posted over here.
Here is the line for ordering your food. It's a lot like a Chipotle.
The dining room area really did not change that much.
And that ends our look at the new menu changes for this season.