Welcome to Street Fest at Silver Dollar City
Let's take a look at the entertainment offerings for this festival
Starting on the square, there are three Blossom Beauties wandering around interacting with park guests
On the Gazebo Stage, Kent Arnsbarger is performing on his steel pan.
This guy is extremely talented. He actually recorded all of his background accompaniments himself. He has a degree in music from the University of Indiana
Have you ever wanted to see a roaming band with a cowbell player?
How about a roaming band with TWO cowbell players?
Yeah we didn't get that either, but BOOM! definitely seemed to be having a good time regardless
We Flip Acrobats also performed on the square
Pretty entertaining duo
The Living Garden returned to the Red Gold Plaza for another season
The cast does a nice job
New this year was a fountain
There was a wandering peacock (peahen?) that was walking around near the Red Gold
Eric Haines, the one man band was back again this year.
He is a lot of fun and did a small set over by the entrance to Echo Hollow
Our favorite show this year was the Anastasini Circus.
In the past, this group has supplied a few small acts to be performed on the Gazebo Stage. This year they were given a real stage and a longer show
The show featured quick change artists, diablos, aerial artist
and ended with this amazing balancing act. This was by far the best show during the festival
Remember those BOOM! cowbell players? Well they apparently play percussion in the drumline. Why they didn't play on their drumlines with the rest of the band, I am not sure. The BOOM! drumline wanders around Rivertown
In the Opera House was the final show of the festival - Bloom
The show featured a quick painter with dancers
The dancers were amazing, but we were really underwhelmed by the artist, especially after seeing Paint Jam the last few years at the park and the high level art that those painters did
The real star of the show was Kristy Sellers who did an amazing pole artist act synced to the projected background on the screen behind her. It was amazing and I would have loved to have seen more of her performing
This was the finale of the Bloom show.
Overall a pretty good festival. Like normal there were high highs and several acts that we will not need to see again. Great start for the season at SDC. Looking forward to the next festival