Oceans of Fun opened last weekend and we thought it would be interesting to see how the park looks early in the season. The first surprise was that the pool for Monsoon has been filled
This is surprising because it was stated during the off season that the ride would be removed and it does not show up on the park maps this season
However, the ride looks like it could open any day once it gets its boats.
The entrance is fenced off and the entrance marquee is missing, but the sign is still on the station. Very weird. Who knows what is going to happen here
So after the accident last year, Coconut Cove has really been neutered. You'll notice that the lilly pad walk and slides have all been removed
They have added ropes across the area where Aruba Tuba empties out
There was also a rope added across the pool and no one was being let into that area
None of the animals are left in the pool. It is basically just a glorified public pool now
This is the only entrance to the pool too. One way in and one way out.
Major gate across the Aruba Tuba exit
It wasn't open today.
Typhoon was also closed today
It probably won't be open for awhile as it is getting a new deck
Racers was open
The island in the middle of the lazy river is now strictly upcharge
Considering how little of the park was actually open, lounging is really the only thing to do
Ok, Paradise Falls was open
Hurricane Falls was not
Half of this complex was open - Shark's Revenge tube slides
Predator's Plunge (body slides) on the other hand was closed
Kind of a sad state of affairs right now at Oceans. Hope it gets better soon