New metal detectors have been installed at the front gates
A new stagecoach has been installed next to the Old Time Photo shop
You can get a good view of the stagecoach as you venture down the hill to go under the railroad bridge on your way to Tom Sawyer's Landing
Here is information sign that is posted next to it
There's a new stage area between the corkscrew path walkway and River Blast
Here you can get a good idea of how the theatre works. I think they set this up due to the fact that they cannot use any of the indoor theatres at this time
They have removed a flower bed next to Time Traders. It really opens up this area
New signage on Christmas Hollow. Santa has also been moved up higher (he used to be down by the main entrance to the shop)
The new bridge. It is at least 10 feet wider than the old one
The toll booth is still there and so are the horse sounds
Tom and Huck's All You Need Store is now Treasure Quest. This is where the Pick Your Own Pearl will be located this season
The flowers look great next to the Pizza Shop
With Clara Belle's now open, Sullivan's Mill is a lot quieter
The ladies said it was busy before rope drop. People were in getting their Starbuck's Coffee