Welcome to Six Flags over Georgia
Georgia Scorcher is definitely my favorite stand-up coaster
Dare Devil Dive starts with a straight up lift and a straight down first drop
It is a lot of fun
Goliath is the park's hypercoaster
It likes to surf just above the tree line.
Twisted Cyclone is the park's RMC reimagined Georgia Cyclone wooden coaster
It is a big improvement over the Georgia Cyclone
Acrophobia is the resident drop tower
Dahlongea Mine Train
It is not very tall person friendly. I had a hard time fitting on it
This is by far my favorite attraction at the park - Monster Mansion
It is fun little cruise into a fantasy world
The ride is full of whimsical animatronic monsters
It has a very catchy theme song too
Just beware of the bad monsters
Joker Fun House Coaster is a fun junior coaster
Justice League is closed for the season due to an inability to social distance
Superman Ultimate Flight is the original B&M flying coaster
It is a lot of fun. That pretzel loop though gets me every time.
Great American Scream Machine is the lone wooden coaster now at the park, but it is a great out and back coaster
Ninja got a makeover since my last visit and is now Blue Hawk. It rides better, but there is still some rough sections
SkyScreamer takes rides high in the sky
Pandemonium is the park's giant frisbee ride. These are so much fun
That's all folks from Atlanta!